
Monday, 22 July 2013

It's Pozible! What my book, the shakuhachi and a globe-trotting beatboxer have in common.....

We did it!

My book project on Pozible has reached it's funding goal!! Now, this thing is really going to happen and I am super excited!

I really want to thank you guys for helping me. You - my lovely friends, readers and supporters - you have made this happen! And now I'm going to put my heart and soul into this book for you all! 

For those of you who haven't checked it out yet, there are, as I write this, 26 hours left in the campaign and there's still some pre-sale books available as well as other Red Parka goodies. My $5000 goal was the minimum required to get published so any additional funds will be reinvested into the book as well to help me with the marketing, promotions, my book tour (yes, I'm going on tour!!) and all that jazz. So if you still want to help, you can do so here!

There are several of my blog sponsor deals left too for you bloggers and indie biz owners who would like to support me while getting some exposure for your little corner or the internet at the same time - win win huh? $6 will get you 2 months of small ad space on this here blog along with a possibly excessive amount of social media love and an article about you here on Red Parka. Trust me, this is a bargain and I cannot wait to start sharing with you the stories of the fabulous folk who have already taken up this offer.

But - enough about me.....  and in case you are wondering what that gorgeous bunch of musos are doing at the top of this post....

I have someone utterly fabulous and super talented to introduce you to!

Meet Anne Norman. I first met Anne about 8 years ago when I was learning to play Shakuhachi (Japanese flute). I used to perform with a Taiko (Japanese drums) group and as I'd been playing the flute since I was a wee tacker learning the Shakuhachi was a natural step. 

Anne is a Melbourne-based performer, teacher and composer and I visited her from time to time for lessons. Unfortunately, I must admit my shakuhachi playing career did not exactly take off (man, that thing is hard to play!) but I did get to meet Anne as well as many other amazing musicians during my time with this group and I fell completely in love with this amazing instrument.

So why am I telling you about Anne now? 

One, because she's awesome. That's reason enough, isn't it?

But two, because she has a Pozible project running right now that is completely awesome and I really want her to succeed! And seeing as my project is now funded (eek!) sharing some Pozible love seemed like the logical next step.

Breath Trio is Sanshi on didgeridoo, Reo Matsumoto, a beatbox/chanter from Yokohama, and Anne on Shakuhachi. In their own words, this is what they do:

Breath plays music rooted in the moment: Intuitive music-making that builds evocative soundscapes and then bursts into rhythms that makes you want to get up and dance. Combining the haunting and meditative sounds of shakuhachi with the mesmeric and pulsing drone of the didj and the playful soundscapes of Reo’s mouth and breath.

Pretty good, huh? Not only are Breath Trio making a fabulous CD (you can have a listen on the project page) but they are planning to tour Japan later this year, giving concerts from Kunamoto in the south through to Fukushima, where they will be paying special attention to having fun with the kids who are stuck indoors due to radiation fears.

Check out their project page for more details and if you like it, you can join me in purchasing a CD in advance to help make this a reality! If you're unable to purchase but love the sound of it anyway, you can follow them on Facebook for updates and future events and share the project with your friends!
I just love the concept of Pozible - being able to buy something in advance that I would want to buy anyway is such an amazing way of supporting artists!
So thank you for sharing some Pozible love with me! You guys rock. Have I told you that lately??
Jen x
PS. Don't forget there's only one day left to grab a $6 sponsor deal on the blog!


  1. You are a gem Jen, thank you. All strength to the great Red Parker!

  2. Thank you Anne - I just hope it helps! So glad to see your ad pledge come through too - it will be such fun to help you promote the CD! I can't wait to hear it! x

  3. First off, I am SO, SO excited to read your book! I seriously am dancing in my desk chair excited :) I'm sure it will be fabulous. Also, those photos are amazing- thanks so much for sharing. I love the colors! So vibrant! x

  4. Thanks Kayli! I'm excited to see it finished as well! And I agree, the Breath Trio photos are awesome. Love the idea of you dancing in your desk chair too :) x

  5. Wow! I am so happy and excited that you met your goal! HOW WONDERFUL!!!!! I can't wait to hear more about this book and how everything goes! :) So cool!!!!

  6. Thanks so much Erika! It's an exciting time for me..... can't wait til I have a finished product to show you!


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