
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Illustration Crush - Michele Maule

Today I am taking you back to Portland, Oregon, where so many of my favourite artists and writers seem to live! I can't wait to visit this wonderful city because a whole lotta people owe me a coffee! Hehe.... just joking. However, it will be exciting to put the word out amongst my artistic, bloggie friends and meet some of you for coffee (my shout!).....

Anyway, back to the point of this post and that is to celebrate the wonderful artwork of Portland artist Michele Maule! I've admired Michele's work on Etsy for a while now so it's exciting to finally be sharing her beautiful creations with you all.
A true Portlander, Michele loves coffee, beer and her boston terrier. Oh, and drawing of course! She keeps an interesting blog about her art, processes and life in general called How 2 Draw A Cup Of Coffee, which is the perfect name for a blog about art in my book!

Don't forget to check out Michele's Etsy Shop for more beautiful work!

With love + creativity, 
Jen x

P.S. Don't forget to add me in Feedly (my recommendation - it's awesome) or blog reader of your choice if your a GFC follower - only 2 weeks til it's gone!


  1. Oh, this is all so stunning! I'm visiting her blog now, cannot wait to read 'tis!!! Thank you for sharing!!!

  2. These are so beautiful! Thanks for sharing. Just added you to my feedly too, really preferring it to Google reader.



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