
Friday, 10 January 2014

Happy New Year from Tasmania!!

Photos: David Burke

Happy New Year everyone!

Yeah, I know, I'm a little late. But I've been busy. And the year is still new!

Photos: David Burke
Did you have an awesome New Year's Eve?? I spent it at the Falls Festival at Tasmania's beautiful Marion Bay. Yes, I was working (no rest for the wicked!), but there was still plenty of time for music (my highlights - Johnny Marr, Vampire Weekend and Cat Empire) and friends and cider and fun..... one of my mates was the photographer from BMA Magazine so I'm grateful to them and David himself for allowing me to share some of the amazing shots he got over the festival! For the full set and more great photography, check out David's Flickr.

Photos: David Burke

Now for the boring stuff.....

I'm here today with a little update from Red Parka Global Headquarters:

It's time for a break!

Not a 'break break', a lie-on-the-beach-with-a-good-book-and-a-cocktail break, but a break from the public side of Red Parka. Which means, predominantly, this blog.

There's a number of reasons for this.

1. I'm tired. Seriously tired. It's good because I've been doing lots of the things I love to do but even though I have the coolest job in the whole wide world, I still need to take some time out to recoup and refresh.

2. I'm working on a couple of new projects that are taking up lots of my time and energy and I really just want to focus on them for a little while to make them truly awesome! You can thank me later ;)

3. I'm developing a new virtual home for Red Parka that will launch in February and am super excited about it! Having a little break now means that come Launch Day I'll be absolutely overflowing with inspiration and energy to pour into my new space!

Exciting huh?

I've seen so many posts around the blogosphere about dreams and goals for 2014 (I love reading them! If you've written one leave me a link in the comments so I can read it!) but because the last couple of months of 2013 were so hectic and crazy with my book release and Christmas markets, I haven't had time to properly map out my amazing 2014 as yet.

But never fear, you can be sure I will be sharing my plans and dreams with you in February when I leap back on this crazy blogging horse! Yay!

For now, much love to you all and please keep in touch via my Facebook page or Instagram.

See you in February!

Jen x


  1. Happy New Year! It sucks that you were working, but at least you got to have some fun too. Hope you have a great wee break and I'm looking forward to seeing your new (online) how next month xo

  2. I'll miss you, Jen! Happy New Year, and enjoy your well-deserved break. It sounds like you've got some interesting things in the pipelines; can't wait to hear more!


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