
Monday, 8 April 2013

Getting A Grip On Twitter - My Year Of Marketing Continues...

Photo by Vastateparkstaff via Flickr
March finished and April began before I even noticed! I guess that's what happens when you disappear into the vortex that is a folk festival for a week…. and so, now, we launch into Twitter month!! Yay!

My first question for you - do you like Twitter? 
Do you use it? Does it work for you? Oops, that was three! But I'd love to know what you think!

As for me, Twitter took me a loooooong time to get a handle of, but now I do quite like it. The biggest problem I see with Twitter is  two-fold - firstly, how on earth do you get noticed in this humungous world of tweets and secondly, how do you get noticed without dedicating your life to it! Because although Twitter can be fun, any business person worth their weight in coffee beans probably doesn't want to devote much more then 10 minutes a day to the social media beast that is Twitter. 

Many big companies hire people to manage their social media accounts, but I'm betting you are like me - a soloprenuer who is trying to do it all by yourself. So let's tackle this one together - let's get a grip on Twitter!!

My Twitter plan for April has a few parts. Firstly, I'll be creating and doing a daily list of tasks. Secondly, I'l be trying out and learning various Twitter apps and programs to figure out what works best for managing my account. Thirdly, I'll be reading up on various tips and tricks for making Twitter work better for my business. And finally, I'll be organising my Twitter lists to make everything more manageable and effective.

Like all good plans, this one will change as a I go, but here's a brief list to get me started.

Daily tasks 
Start with a random tweet about what I'm doing/thinking today.
Respond to any tweets or messages that require a response.
Skim through my feed to see if anything jumps out at me that I can reply to. Try to respond to at least two random tweets.
Pick a couple of lists to check and respond/retweet to relevant tweets. Try to do at least two.
Search for relevant people to follow and follow about 50 a day
Schedule tweets for the rest of the day using whatever app I am using that day!

Weekly tasks
Add to and trim lists accordingly.
Unfollow accounts that turn out not to be relevant.
Read up on Twitter tricks and tips.
Work on list of things to tweet about for times when I feel uninspired!

I plan to spend about 30 minutes or so a day on Twitter this month, but the goal is that by the end of the month I will have worked out such good systems that I can keep up an effective Twitter presence in 10 minutes a day, with perhaps a once a month session of organising lists and following/unfollowing people to keep everything fresh and interesting!

I'll write more details about what I am actually doing later in the month once I have a better idea of what's working so I can share my tips with you!

So now it's over to you - what's your favourite Twitter App? Let me know what you use to keep on top of Twitter in the comments so I can try it out!

Oh and if you don't already, be sure to follow me on Twitter so you can follow my progress and get involved! 


Jen x


  1. This sounds like a great plan. I'm not on Twitter, but I'm considering it since all my favorite bloggers use it! :)

    1. I think it;s worth being there - it can be fun and useful - but can also be a big time waster and hard to get the hang of..... if you give it a try be sure to let me know and I'll try to help! x

  2. This will be interesting! I tried to get the hang of it when I first joined but now my facebook is linked to it and my status updates post there and that's about the extent of it. If I get a message through Twitter it comes to my email so I can respond. But otherwise, I just don't use it because I don't think I understand it. Looking forward to following you on this!

    1. Thanks Jodi! Twitter sure is a curious beast! Hopefully I can inspire you to get back in there! x

  3. That's a good plan and way to start on twitter. I had the same problem on twitter: to many people, too many tweets. How do you get noticed ? And if you follor many things you just won't get the time to read everything.

    But that's a good plan indeed :)


    Sofia G

    1. Thanks Sofia! Hopefully we can all learn a little in this process! x

  4. Great stuff!
    I use Hootsuite, and I like the features it has. It allows yu to schedule tweets, but the big bummer is: it makes images into urls instead of a picture like twitter does.

    1. So far Hootsuite is also my favourite.... didn't know that about images, although I think maybe it's not too big a deal as I use other sites (FB, instagram mainly) for sharing lots of images. SO I guess Twitter can be different, right? I hope so! x

  5. Saw your follow on Twitter and checked out your site. Love this post and "solopenuer", never heard that before! Twitter can be very overwhelming but you have set up some great tasks to make it more manageable. I look forward to reading the apps you use. Thanks for the follow, Jen!
    Marcia @

    1. Thanks Marcia! Glad you found me here! Twitter is kinda crazy but this month so far has been fun.... glad to have you along for the ride! x

  6. Love this post. I may have to follow your tasks :)

  7. Man it sure looks like a lot of work. I tried using twitter but I just didn't like it.


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