
Friday, 5 April 2013

Friday On My Mind #32 - Daydreamers + A Tree-Office +Hogwarts + More...

Today I am driving driving driving..... after being in Gloucester, NSW, for a few days getting my van kitted out this morning I began the long 1000+ kilometre journey back to Melbourne. From there it's a 10 hour (overnight) ferry to Tasmania and another 300 km to get home! It's a good thing I love to travel!

I adore this illustration of Hogwarts by Shawna X. There's lots of other great illustrations in her Pocket Houses series too so her website is well worth a peek!

This little seal has stolen my heart!

I like these cute candle holders - funky colours and very cool design. Check here for more fun things from these German designers.

Now this is a home office I would never tire of! Imagine going here to work each day!

And finally, I love this series of portraits called Daydreamers where the photographer asked her subjects to close their eyes and think happy thoughts. Just looking at them makes me smile too!

I hope you all have a wonderful weekend! Jen x


  1. That home in the trees is AMAZING! I'd never want to leave!

  2. 1. OMG Hogwarts <3
    2. I would live in that tree house forever and ever.
    3. I LOVE the Daydreamer portraits

    Thanks for sharing!

  3. Ok.. that little seal stole my heart too. I think I'll name him Tobias.


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