
Friday, 20 September 2013

Friday On My Mind #55 - The Smiths + Albino Animals + More...

Hello all! How has your week been? Mine has been pretty damn busy and exciting and productive..... lots of Red Parka creating and market planning and business dreaming - my favourite ways to pass the time!

The highlight of my week was possibly the brunch meeting I had at Ginger Brown, a cafe in South Hobart I had not been to before. I had baked eggs with leeks, hot smoked salmon and goats curd. Four of my favourite foods in one dish! Amazingly good. Hobart people, you should go here - I know I'll be back!

Here's some of my favourite things I've found online this week. Enjoy and have a great weekend!

Gorgeous bags from one of my favourite Australian fabric designers, Yardage Design.

Cute mountain earrings by the Rock and Weed.

I stumbled across this great collection of albino animals - nature is so bizarre and beautiful!

I'm a bit of a Smiths fan so of course I love this print by Nan Lawson!

Some weekend reading..... 

Some advice on how to leave it all behind from Leo at Zen Habits.

I really enjoyed reading this article about the pros and cons of higher education, particularly in respect of those of us chasing passion-driven careers and lives.

Aukele discusses her true desires for a life of freedom and financial stability with regards to passive income and entreprenuership over on 91Dash.

And more simple ways to boost your happiness over on Chasing Happy.

Have a great weekend!! Jen x

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