
Monday, 26 August 2013

Hive Botanicals + A Gorgeous Giveaway!

Today I have a someone special for you to meet as well as a really cool giveaway!! 

Let me introduce you to Trisha from Hive Botanicals and also writer of Veranellies Blog. Trisha has recently started this fabulous little business, Hive Botanicals, which asks us all to "get dirty then clean smart!" I love it..... such gorgeous products and a super sweet vintage-loving, natural living crafty dog-mumma to boot!

At the end of the interview is the details of the giveaway where you can not only win a voucher to Hive Botanicals Etsy Store but you could also win some original art by Daisy Bisley, Jo Jo Encourages and Yours Truly! 

How here's Trisha! Enjoy..... x

Tell us a little about yourself and your business.

I was born and raised in Central New York and after graduating I left for ten years. During that time I went to college, traveled and lived in many major metropolitans across the country. One stint was in Boston where I met my now husband, “the mister”. We somehow found our way back to New York and are currently living in a 1880's Victorian that we are renovating with our two “girls” - Ella, our miniature dachshund, and Polly, our Red Tick Coon hound.

I opened The Hive Botanicals last year. It is an all natural, soap and balm shop on Etsy. I also sell at our local farmer's market and various craft shows through out the year.

What was the inspiration behind starting Hive Botanicals?

The Hive started from a desire to purify the products that touch our skin on a daily basis. There are so many chemicals and harmful ingredients in over the counter soaps, deodorants, lip balms, lotions etc. It made us want to not only make sure that we were no longer coming in contact with these ingredients but also educating our friends and family about the harmful side effects that can be attributed to using these products that contain ingredients such as sulfates, phthalates, aluminum and parabens. All of these ingredients have been linked to minor skin irritations all the way to various forms of cancer. After creating various recipes and falling in love with the creation aspect of it, I decided that these were just too good to not share with others.

What is your favourite product and why?

That's a tough one. As far as the soaps, I would have to say it's a tie between the Lemongrass-Grapefruit or the Tangerine-Grapefruit. I am a sucker for citrus scents and absolutely love both of them and could just sit and smell them all day.

I have also created deodorants and have to say they are pretty darn amazing. Be on the lookout, they aren't in the shop just yet. But should be, I'm hopeful, by fall. I'm currently in the design aspect of the packaging.

Self-employment can be quite a challenge! What's your biggest challenge running Hive Botanicals and how are you working to overcome it?

Unfortunately, The Hive is not my sole income at this time. I work in corporate America 40+ hours a week along with running The Hive online and going to farmer's markets.

I think the biggest challenge is being let down by potential clients and how you handle it. There are many people and companies that will reach out and make everything sound great, but then have backed out at the last minute without warning. It can be really hurtful because you think your product is the best and just want to get it out to the World.

I won't lie, there have been many tears when I thought I was going to have a super mega order then without notice it fell through without any sort of explanation. But I'm trying to get a thicker skin and not take it personally. I now just say to myself - “Those people are big meany-butts that have no consideration for what it takes to run a business and only care about the bottom line”.

As a visual person driven by colour, I really like your colourful packaging and labels which are quite different to the more subtle designs prevalent in the beauty industry. How did you develop this look for your business?

Awww, thank you! Design has always been a major factor in everything I have done. I used to have a dog cookie company and I spent more than half the time just in the design and packaging aspect of the products. I firmly believe that packaging plays a large role in your sales. You would not believe the amount of people that come to our booth just to comment and tell us how much they love the product packaging and design. It makes me feel really good about what I have produced. Not just the soaps and balms but the entire package. I've never been one to want to do what everyone else was doing, I always like to stand apart from the crowd and I think my packaging does just that. It pops and makes you take notice!

Why should everyone use your products? Convince us!

Well obviously because it's just simply amazing and the best soap on the planet!

All kidding aside, I've never been a pushy “salesperson” I tell people the facts and leave them to make up their own minds. I have made products that are just plain and simple, good for your skin. You can pronounce all the ingredients and they are all either organic, fair trade and are always made with all natural ingredients and essential oils. You will never find any harsh chemicals, ever, in my products.

We love supporting small, independent businesses here at Red Parka - tell us where we can find you and how we can all help share your beautiful products with the world?

I currently sell on Etsy and also local farmer's markets (if you live near Hamilton, NY or Clinton, NY). I also plan on doing the holiday show with the Beekman Boys in Sharon Springs, NY this December- 

You an also get my lip balms in Grab Bag Love grab bags!

I am always looking for new ventures so if you know of a shop that would be a good fit for my products I would love to hear from you.


And because Trisha is so awesome she's giving away a $20 voucher to her Etsy store to one lucky Red Parka reader! 

AND..... I have more goodies for you too! It's been a while since we had a giveaway here so this one's going to be an extra special one!!

As well as a $20 voucher from The Hive, you could also win a stunning original art print from Claire at Daisy Bisley - she has made this print in 3 different colourways so you can choose which one suits your style the best!

Plus your choice of one of these three gorgeously happy prints by Joanna from Jo Jo Encourages, one of the happiest Etsy stores I've come across yet! (Frame not included.)

Of course, I have to add in something of my own to this lovely stash of goodness - the winner will also receive a little bundle of Red Parka Christmas cards, because it's getting close to that time already (madness!!)

Enter below with Rafflecopter! Note that the winner gets all the goods but they will be sent to you separately as they'll be coming from 3 different continents! How fun is that?!

a Rafflecopter giveaway

Good luck + lots of love! Jen x


  1. Trisha is my favourite, as are her soaps. I'm currently using her citrus spice soap, which is the perfect scent as we make our way into autumn here in the Rocky Mountains.

    Thanks for the opportunity to win and for taking the time to interview an amazing woman.

  2. She is pretty great, isn't she! The citrus spice soap sounds so good - will have to try it! x

  3. Great giveaway! The second I saw that gorgeous packaging, I was sold. i definitely agree that it sets it apart from other soaps and like-products, in a very good way! And congrats to working full-time, PLUS doing what you love - great inspiration :)

  4. Thanks so much Jen - I've been a little bit MIA due to roller derby, but am back on track now and stepping back from that as it was just eating up way too much of my time! xx-Trisha


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